Take a stand. Answer the call for equality. Answer the call for civil rights.
Join the oldest and boldest civil rights organization in the nation.
Join the NAACP.

Make a donation to the NAACP.
There isn’t a state in America that wasn’t touched by the NAACP in 2012. We made tremendous progress on voting rights and voter registration, fought for justice and against racial profiling, and helped defeat the death penalty in Connecticut.
Supporters like you helped us accomplish so much, but we need you again this year. We need to keep pressure on Congress to pass real legislation to create jobs, end economic inequality, and improve education. We need to make sure the Affordable Care Act is implemented so millions of Americans have the healthcare coverage they need. We need to keep fighting for voting rights in the face of those who seek to make it harder to vote.
Join our community fighting to protect civil rights and human rights in 2013 and beyond. Make your donation to the NAACP today.